
Japanese Zen Tea Room [Easy DIY 侘寂 Samurai traditional room] Luxury Experiences Tea ceremony, DIY by 2 women in 1 hour

¥1,510,000 税込


صفحة ويب عربية

This is Japanese hospitality.
Please treat yourself!
Why not reward yourself with a DIY tea room?

※We currently have a large number of orders and it will take more than 6 months to deliver ^^

You can have experiences in your country that money cannot buy.
This is an experience where you can not only use traditional Japanese products but also make them yourself.

$$Prices change monthly based on exchange rates$$
Please note that the price is at the time of purchase,
not at the time you add it to your cart.

We recommend Amazon Pay for customers who wish to make purchases in a single cart.
If you use Amazon Pay, there is no limit to the amount of a single payment, so you can make payments.
If you use Amazon Pay and have registered your address with Amazon, you do not need to register on this Base web shopping site.

<<ex. SAUDI, U.A.E>>
+ Transportation cost (Shipping to SAUDI, U.A.E)

For customers who choose PayPal payment.
Since the transaction limit for one PayPal payment is 1 million yen,
Therefore, we will prepare a shopping cart of "tea room 1 million yen" + "tea room remaining amount + shipping fee",
So please contact us.

For example: If you purchase a tea room for 1,510,000 JP yen, and use PayPal, you need to make a one-time payment of 1 million yen and a one-time payment of 510,000 JP yen.
+Transportation cost

++Can be assembled by two women in one hour++
※It usually takes a few months to complete a product.
However, it may be difficult to secure Japanese lumber at this time.
Please contact us as soon as possible.

We can also sell to customers in countries where shipping charges are not listed.
You can purchase it at JTB's sales site: 47 storey.

More and more customers are giving up after adding items to their carts.
If your payment method is not successful, please contact us.
Our bank transfer service accepts not only Japanese yen but also U.S dollars.

Don’t Think or Do anything in the 侘寂 Space.
Luxury 侘寂 Tea ceremony experience Video : https://youtu.be/_kCkgVfgORk
侘寂 world : beauty and loneliness coexist.
It can be used as a prayer room for Muslim customers.

Tea Ceremony in the office everyday, at home.
Mindfulness To improve mental health at home.
There is also data that Zazen is good for health.

and What is Japanese Luxury?
Japanese luxury, first of all, the famous Japanese culture, Wabi-sabi.
A world where beauty and loneliness coexist.
And We do think that the Samurai history of Japan is an important point when talking about luxury.

Close your eyes, take a deep breath.
Meditation on tatami mat at work, at home everyday,
New Luxury & Wabi-Sabi at the Zen Tea house, with the tatami mat.
Muslim space

Our mission is to convey Japanese Zen mind, Samurai mind, Meditation and Manners.
As if Kyoto Experience , Japanese Castle inside.
it is Relax on Tatami with Wabi-Sabi.
It is the Luxury DIY Kit,
easy to assemble and can be completed in 1 hours with two adults.

Furniture Pillars:Japanese cedar trees:
Production area of Woods in Owari-Aichi: the birthplace of the most famous samurai, innovator.
The man is Nobunaga Oda(1536-1582).
[ The battle of Nagashino 1575] on youtube.
He is the one, innovator.

Please contact us if you would like to experience.
This is located in Aisai City, Owari, Aichi Prefecture,Japan

W2280: D1980: H2010 (2 tatami mats, 43ft2)
If you have a 270ft2 spaces in your living room, you can install it well.

Weight: 160Kg

Lumber from Aichi in Japan, where Nobunaga Oda was born.
Nobunaga Oda is the most famous Japanese Samurai.
He was a very rational thinker, a revolutionary who eliminated old conventions one after another.

Scroll down the page to experience the movie!

Please contact us if you would like to experience the real thing.
Japanese Zen Tea House is located in Aisai City, Owari Aichi Prefecture.

The checkered pattern is a traditional Japanese design.
The black and pink checkered pattern is inspired by cherry blossoms.

*Depending on customer requests, we plan to add cypress products that are luxurious and durable in the future.
We are currently developing cypress products, so please contact us if you would like to make a reservation.

Please contact us^^
linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/in/ryuji-baba-b2b33a47/


Please treat yourself !

This is Japanese hospitality.
Why not reward yourself with a DIY tea room?

※We currently have a large number of orders and
it will take more than 6 months to deliver ^^

$$Prices change monthly based on exchange rates$$

Please note that the price is at the time of purchase,
not at the time you add it to your cart.

Don’t Think or Do anything in the 侘寂 tea room.

Experiences in your country that money cannot buy.

This is an experience where you can not

only use traditional Japanese products

but also make them yourself.

Experience 侘寂(Wabi-Sabi) with the red carpet.

When you walk into the tea room, you will feel calm and like you are in Japan.
Suitable for customers who like Japanese wabi-sabi and historical samurai stories.

Our Tea house is DIY Product that has Japanese traditional doors: Shoji、Japanese traditional floor: Tatami, Japanese traditional walls: Fusuma. 

Experience a Japanese tea room in Luxury Hotels

Easy DIY 侘寂 Samurai tea room by 2 women in a hour

This tea room can be assembled by two women in an hour while watching DIY videos on YouTube.

To Learn Japanese manners & etiquette

This tea room is RBaba's iconic products.

We are currently developing cypress products.

*Depending on customer requests, we plan to add cypress products that are luxurious and durable in the future.
We are currently developing cypress products, so please contact us if you would like to make a reservation.

This product is a luxury product for Well-being.

For luxury goods, the place of production is extremely important.
This product is produced in the Owari area of ​​Aichi Prefecture.
Inuyama Castle in Owari is a wooden castle with the oldest castle tower in Japan, built in the 16th century.
It has been designated as a Japanese national treasure.

Luxury 侘寂 Well-being Video: as if be in Japan.

Now it's time to experience entering a tea room.

Entering the tea room, you are already in Japan.

Japanese 侘寂(Wabi-Sabi) at home in your country

Beautiful flower shadows reflected on Japanese doors : Shoji.
Experience Japanese 侘寂(Wabi-Sabi) every day at home with lights and flowers.
Please ask for advice on interior coordination.

Why not shine a light on Japanese shoji and create a sense of 侘寂(Wabi-Sabi) ?

Well-being Video: Japanese tea ceremony, zen mind

Tea ceremony in the office, and at home everyday.

Take care of your mental health by taking 15 minutes of deep breathing every morning in a Japanese Zen Tea House.
Continuity is important for mental health.

When you enter the tea room, you will feel as if you are in Japan.

and What is Japanese Luxury?
It's 侘寂 & Zen.

And Samurai History.
For wellbeing Luxury.

Why can this product be considered a luxury for wellbeing?

What is Japan?
1. Breathing techniques to calm the mind through Zen and zazen
2.The tradition of concentrated spirituality of tea ceremony and martial arts
3. 侘寂(Wabi-sabi), a sense of fleeting beauty
4.Manners and courtesy of the Japanese people

Japanese luxury, first of all, the famous Japanese culture, 侘寂 (wabi-sabi ).
A world where beauty and loneliness coexist.
The tea room and Zen spirit are also part of the wabi-sabi culture.

And We think that the Samurai history of Japan is an important point when talking about luxury.

Lumber from Owari-Aichi in Japan, where Nobunaga Oda was born.
Nobunaga Oda is Japan's most famous Samurai, innovator l in history.
The man is Nobunaga Oda (1534-1582) .
[The battle of Nagashino 1575] on Youtube.

Who is Nobunaga Oda ?
He is the most famous Japanese Samurai.
And innovator.
He was a very rational thinker, a revolutionary who eliminated old conventions one after another.

And We do create innovative products.

Have you seen this product?
This product would be a new industry in Japan.
We are going to be the innovators that bring this industry to life.

How to Use

Please place your favorite incense in the tea room.
What about Japan's unique incense?

Zen mind : Close your eyes, take a deep breath.

Experience wabi-sabi:侘寂 with your eyes and scent

The disappearance of incense represents Japan’s 侘寂

Japanese incense evokes a sense of wabi-sabi:侘寂.
The scent of incense calms you down,
but the way the incense gradually decreases also calms you down with wabi-sabi.
I think burning incense while meditating is good for mental health care.
Experience wabi-sabi with your eyes and scent by burning incense in the Japanese Zen Tea House.

Well-being Experience : Mindfulness with Zen mind.

However, it is said that it is okay to sit in a chair even if you do not practice zazen.
The important thing is breathing.
Serotonin, a healing hormone in the brain, is secreted by taking a long exhalation.
It is said to be effective in reducing stress.

Visualize yourself relaxing as you continue the breathing exercises.
It seems to be calming when you look at it from above ^^

Don’t Think or Do anything in the Space.

Zen mind : Close your eyes, take a deep breath.

The breathing method of zazen during mindfulness increases the concentration of serotonin in the blood,
Serotonin nerves are activated and effects such as "feeling refreshed"
It has been scientifically proven.

However, it is said that it is okay to sit in a chair even if you do not practice zazen.
The important thing is breathing.
Serotonin, a healing hormone in the brain, is secreted by taking a long exhalation.
It is said to be effective in reducing stress.

Visualize yourself relaxing as you continue the breathing exercises.
It seems to be calming when you look at it from above ^^

Please place your favorite incense in the tea room.
What about Japan's unique incense?

侘寂:Japanese traditional doors, mats, walls, floors

When to Use

Please place your favorite incense in the tea room.
What about Japan's unique incense?

Where to Use

Please place your favorite incense in the tea room.
What about Japan's unique incense?

Experience Japanese craftsmanship^^

Don’t Think or Do anything in the 侘寂 Space.

For example, do you drink every day?

If you change the glass, the taste changes a lot.
Have you ever had such an experience?

For Luxury Meditation, Modern Tea Ceremony.

Production area : History in Owari, Aichi

Wood : The birthplace of the most famous samurai.

The man is Nobunaga Oda(1536-1582). Innovator.

[ The battle of Nagashino 1575] on Youtube.

Who is Oda Nobunaga?
Oda Nobunaga was born in the Owari, Aichi.
There is a supplementary theory, but Oda Nobunaga is recognized as an innovator who stuck to original methods with rational thinking in terms of warfare, organizational personnel, etc.

The Battle of Nagashino changed the way wars were fought, systematically using guns that were still scarcely distributed against the Takeda cavalry, which was said to be the strongest at the time.

In terms of how to create an organization, regardless of social status, if a proposal was good, he was given a challenge, and those who achieved results were promoted.
He is a Japanese samurai innovator.

Inuyama Castle, Japan's oldest wooden castle tower

Inuyama Castle, Japan's oldest wooden castle tower built in the 16th century and a national treasure, is also made of wood from Owari.
(*There is a difference between cypress and cedar)

Inuyama Castle, located in Inuyama City, Owari, is one of only five designated national treasures in Japan.
It is the oldest wooden castle tower in Japan.
The castle is said to have been built around 1588 based on tree ring research on cypress trees.

The pillars of our tea room are made of cedar wood, which is less durable than cypress, but is made from the same Owari wood as Inuyama Castle.
We believe that using Owari wood means using quality materials for a long time.

There is also data that Zazen is good for health.

Zazen means sitting on the floor with your legs crossed.
There is also data that Zazen is good for health.

( Article contributed to Time magazine )

Zen Mind: Don’t Think or Do anything in the Space.

I go to a temple once a month to experience Zen meditation in Tokyo.

If you would like to experience a tea room in Owari, Aichi Prefecture before purchasing,
or if you would like to experience Zen meditation in Tokyo,
we will coordinate your travel plan.

In that temple, beginners will learn how to sit in meditation and how to breathe.
Please contact us.

Steve Jobs ( Apple )is famous for his love of Zen.

Apple Inc. founder Steve Jobs is famous for his love of Zen.

When things were not going well at work and at home
He met a Zen monk named Hirofumi Otogawa.

Zen is about purification.
These words are said to have opened his eyes to the spirit of Zen.

When things were not going well at work or at home
When your head, heart, and spirit are all messed up

It is important to calm your mind by putting yourself in a place where you can be "Mu-shin," where you can feel something extraordinary and heal.
and calm your mind.

Ideas learned from my Zen teachings ^^
1. Don't compare yourself to others, do what you can.
2. Don't regret the past, but because of the past, there is now.
3. The stress you feel now is a small thing in your long life.

By the way, I think I've seen a whole bunch of movies about Steve Jobs.
My favorite movie (drama) is "Pirates of Silicon Valley" ^^.

Japanese Zen & Tea ceremony on Video

Japanese Zen, Wabi-Sabi, Tatatmi mat on Video

Imagine it in your living room.

Close the Shoji (Japanese Door) and you are in a different world.
Experience "mindfulness through the five senses

Learn Japanese manners & etiquette

1. The Samurai Nobunaga Design
4 Black Tatami Mat

The most famous image of Oda Nobunaga is that of a man wearing black armor and a red cape.
He was a very rational thinker, a revolutionary who eliminated old conventions one after another.
A famous battle was the Battle of Nagashino in 1575.
Google [the battle of Nagashino 1575] on youtube.

Tea ceremony experience in a Samurai tea room

2. 侘寂:WabiSabi Tea Ceremony Design

2 Black & 2 Green Tatami Mat Room

3. Kawaii Tea Ceremony Design

2 Black & 2 Pink Tatami Mat Room

Tea ceremony experience in a Kawaii tea room

4. Sakura Tea Ceremony Room Design

2 Green 2 Pink Tatami Mat Room

Tea ceremony experience in a Sakura tea room

We also have a 9 tatami tea room and a prayer room

A prayer room where you can experience wabi-sabi

Please contact us for prices and delivery dates for our 9 Tatami mat Tea Room and Prayer Room.
صفحة ويب عربية

We won The L.A. Design Award IDA.

We won the L.A. Design Award IDA Interior Design in the renovation category

Online shop by JTB corp.

Customers who wish to pay by credit card or Alipay can also purchase at the online store operated by JTB.
Registered as a special product of Aichi Prefecture

For customers who choose PayPal payment.
Since the transaction limit for one PayPal payment is 1 million yen,
Therefore, we will prepare a shopping cart of "tea room 1 million yen" + "tea room remaining amount + shipping fee",
So please contact us.

For example: If you purchase a tea room for 1,530,000 yen and the shipping cost is 450,000 yen, the total cost will be 1,980,000 yen.

+ Transportation cost

Supporting Organizations for Government Projects

We are registered as a support group for Telework Days ^^.

What is Telework Days?
A national telework campaign project in collaboration with the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, Cabinet Secretariat, Cabinet Office, Tokyo Metropolitan Government, economic organizations, and others.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Would you relax on the Japanese Hotel at home?

There is also data that Zazen is good for health.

Zen Mind: Don’t Think or Do anything in the Space.

Tatami can be combined with black, pink and green!

Japanese manners Relax your mind for Well-being.

Since it is 2 mat size, it is about 4m2 and the height is 2m.
If you have a 30m2 LDK in a 50m2 apartment,
you can install it well.

Matsuyama was impressed with the Masters.

At that time, the fact that the caddy gave an example to the cup was also talked about as a respect for Japanese culture.

Gratitude and respect are my favorite things about Japanese culture

I also naturally thank the 2 tatami mat Japanese modern study.
Actually, it ’s 2 tatami mats and it ’s calm.

<<<< <Media>>>>>
2020/12/28 published in "Reform Industry News"!


It is registered in the remote working day recommended by the Japanese government

Experience Japanese craftsmanship^^

The checkered pattern is a traditional Japanese design.
The black and pink checkered pattern in the logo is inspired by cherry blossoms.

Would you like to DIY and create

your own tea room at home?

DIY Video ^^
Easy Assembly in 1 hours with two men

Easy flow ^^
1.Check the parts

2.Place the floor pillar on a flat surface

After driving in the iron pin

3.Combine the wall pillars with the floor pillars

4.Fix the wall pillar and the floor pillar

Prepare a hammer

5.Assemble the ceiling pillars and wall pillars.

After driving in the iron pin

6. Fix the ceiling pillar and wall pillar

With screws using a hammer.

7. Place pillars under the tatami mat.

8. Lay out the 4 tatami mats

9.Set out the Japanese wall: Fusuma

10.Set out the Japanese door: Shoji

W90: D78: H79(inc) ( 40ft2 )

Experience Japanese craftsmanship^^

It is easy to assemble and can be completed in 1 hours with two adults.
No need for renovation.

W2280: D1980: H2010 (2 tatami mats, 43ft2)
If you have a 270ft2 spaces in your living room, you can install it well.

Weight: 160Kg

Katagiri Inc. Wood: made in Owari, Aichi, Japan

Woods:The birthplace of most famous samurai^^

Tha man is Nobunaga Oda^^

Owari-Aichi, Japanese cedar trees,

Katagiri Inc. https://www.katagiri-meimoku.net/

Domestic cedar.
JAS Certified Summit
Aichi Prefectural Material Certification Organization Certification Number: P-036

Production area:
Lumber from Owari-Aichi in Japan, where Nobunaga Oda was born.
Nobunaga Oda is the most famous Japanese Samurai.

The man is Nobunaga Oda(1536-1582).

Who is Nobunaga Oda ?

The most famous image of Oda Nobunaga is that of a man in black armor and a red cloak.
He was a very rational thinker and a revolutionary who always abolished old conventions.
A famous battle is the Battle of Nagashino in 1575.

[Battle of Nagashino 1575] on Youtube.

The Battle of Nagashino in 1575 is said to be the first organized use of guns by Oda Nobunaga to defeat the Takeda forces, which had the strongest cavalry at the time.

Production Area: Owari, Aichi, Japan

Owari Tsushima Tenno Festival :
It has a history of nearly 600 years as a festival of Tsushima Shrine in the Owari region of Aichi Prefecture, and is one of Japan's three major river festivals.
It is registered as a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage.

If you would like to tour our factory, please feel free to contact us.
The food in Aichi Prefecture is also delicious, so I would like to introduce some of it.

Inuyama Castle was built by his uncle and is located in the Owari region of Aichi Prefecture. It is one of Japan's five castles and a national treasure, and its wooden castle tower is the oldest in Japan.

The oldest wooden castle is located in the Owari region of Aichi Prefecture.

Tatami Mat: Japanese traditional floor

4 combinations:
1: 4 black,
2: 4 pink,
3: 2 black and 2 pink checkers
4: 2 black and 2 green checkers

Sekisui House Co., Ltd. is a listed company.

Tatami mat : Japanese traditional floor

Fusuma :  
Japanese tradicional wall

Shoji: Japanese traditional door

Japanese craftsmanship


In fact, the number of Japanese-style rooms is decreasing.
Young people avoid Japanese-style rooms and are not popular.

Why is it not popular in houses when it is popular in inns and resort hotels?
We focused on the "Resort feeling" of inns and resort hotels, and thought about what to do in Japanese-style rooms.

Why two tatami mats?
That's because 千利休(SennoRikyu)'s tea room was two tatami mats.

We decided to export to the world the Japanese culture of courtesy and the Zen custom of calming the spirit.

It is said that the Japanese economy has stagnated for the past 20 years.

I think Japan needs a new and unique business model.
I thought it would be the development of a luxury product that allows you to feel Japanese culture, etiquette, and history.

Watch a 1-minute video of Japanese hotel at home^^

Would you relax in your Japanese hotel at home?

As if staying in a Japanese luxury hotel, castle.

It's Wabi- Sabi

Why not shine a light on Japanese shoji and create a sense of 侘寂(Wabi-Sabi) ?

How to use: Japanese Tea Ceremony

It's Wabi- Sabi

Advice to experience Kyoto in the interior^^

Please contact us for the interior design^^

How to use: Prayer room
Wabi Sabi Muslim space

Please contact us for prices and delivery dates for our 9 Tatami mat Tea Room and Prayer Room.
صفحة ويب عربية

It's Wabi- Sabi

Advice to experience Kyoto in the interior^^

Please contact us for the interior^^

Why not shine a light on Japanese shoji and create a sense of 侘寂(Wabi-Sabi) ?

Why not relax on the Japanese-style floor?

How to use: Meditation Space

Zen Mind: Don’t Think or Do anything in the Space.

<< Efforts toward carbon neutrality >>

Wood absorbs CO2.
Our products use wood, so we are naturally conscious of decarbonized management ^ ^

The Ministry of the Environment's efforts to promote the use of wood will have a significant effect on the realization of a decarbonized society by 2050.

Of the amount of forest absorption in 2019, the effect of using wood was about 3.8 million t-CO2
(Source: Forestry Agency, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries)
Ministry of the Environment:
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Forestry Agency:

<< About SDGs initiatives >>

Inuyama Castle, located in Inuyama City, Owari, is one of only five designated national treasures in Japan.
It is the oldest wooden castle tower in Japan.
The castle is said to have been built around 1588 based on tree ring research on cypress trees.

The pillars of our tea room are made of cedar wood, which is less durable than cypress, but is made from the same Owari wood as Inuyama Castle.
We believe that using Owari wood means using quality materials for a long time.
We believe that this is appropriate for SDGS initiatives.


Amazon Pay

We recommend Amazon Pay for customers who wish to make purchases in a single cart.

If you use Amazon Pay, there is no limit to the amount of a single payment, so you can make payments.
If you use Amazon Pay and have registered your address with Amazon, you do not need to register on this Base web shopping site.

<<ex. SAUDI, U.A.E>>
+ Transportation cost (Shipping to SAUDI, U.A.E)

Q.Can't I pay by credit card?
A.Due to security issues, purchases cannot be made with credit cards issued outside of Japan.

※If a payment error occurs, please check with Amazon Pay or PayPal yourself.
Base Shop does not impose any limits on payments via Amazon Pay or PayPal.


We recommend paying with PayPal.

For customers who choose PayPal payment.
Since the transaction limit for one PayPal payment is 1 million JP yen,
Therefore, we will prepare a shopping cart of "tea room 1 million JP yen" + "tea room remaining amount + shipping fee",
So please contact us.

For example: If you purchase a tea room for 1,510,000 JP yen,
and use PayPal, you need to make a one-time payment of 1 million JP yen and a one-time payment of 510,000 JP yen.
+Transportation cost

※If a payment error occurs, please check with Amazon Pay or PayPal yourself.
Base Shop does not impose any limits on payments via Amazon Pay or PayPal.

Bank transfer
US dollar, Hong Kong dollar

More and more customers are giving up after adding items to their carts.

If you have any problems with your payment method, please contact us.

Our bank transfer service supports not only Japanese yen, but also US dollars and Hong Kong dollars.

Q.Can't I pay by credit card?
A.Due to security issues, purchases cannot be made with credit cards issued outside of Japan.

Tariff 10% -

< The shipping fee >

The shipping fee is 3,000 U.S.D.in USA, UK etc
The shipping fee is 4,000 U.S.D.in SAUDI, U.A.E.
Delivered to your home by Air cargo.
Please pay customs duties to the local delivery company

Q.Why is shipping so expensive?
A.The tea room will be delivered to your home via air transport. Of course, we also include shipping insurance. Air transportation is safer and more secure. Since this is a high-class tea room weighing 160 kg, air transportation costs will be incurred.

We can also sell to customers in countries where shipping charges are not listed.
You can purchase it at JTB's sales site: 47 storey.


< about >

RBaba Inc.

Edogawa City Industrial Navigation (Official website of Edogawa City, Tokyo)
(Sub: En. Zh)


We won the L.A. Design Award IDA Interior Design in the renovation category


It is registered in the remote working day recommended by the Japanese government.


Cherry Blossom-Inspired Logo:
The black and pink checkered pattern in RBaba's logo draws inspiration from cherry blossoms, a quintessential symbol of Japan.

Experiences in your country that money cannot buy.

Would you like to make a Japanese inn at home?

Please contact us on Base shopping page^^

$$Prices change monthly based on exchange rates$$
Please note that the price is at the time of purchase,
not at the time you add it to your cart.

This Japanese Tea Room can be assembled by two women. However, if possible, please assemble with two or more people.
Assemble in a place where there are no children.
Do not use pillars, tatami mats, sliding doors, shoji screens, etc. for any other purpose.
Do not hang from the pillars on the ceiling.
Do not use pillars of Japanese Tea House in the construction of a house.
This Japanese Tea House is difficult to move due to friction between the floor and the rubber.
If you want to lay a carpet under the floor, use a non-slip mat.
In the event of a dispute, Japan will be the place of arbitration in accordance with Japanese law.
To set up a tea room, the room must be at least 82 inches high.
Please do not mistake the address as the shipping fee is high.
If the address is incorrect, additional shipping charges will be incurred.

Basically, we do not accept returns unless the product is defective.

The Company shall not be liable for any damages incurred by the Customer arising from the execution of this Agreement, regardless of the default, tort or any other cause, exceeding the product price.
However, this does not apply if there is intentional or gross negligence on our part.

Once payment has been completed, Seller shall deliver and shall bear the risk of delivery and loss until delivery to Customer's home. Customs duties and taxes are the responsibility of the customer.

Purchaser shall inspect the appearance, model number, quality and
quantity of the Products purchased from Seller within 14 days
after the delivery of Products, and if Purchaser discovers any patent
defects, incorrect model numbers, or any deficiency in quality or
quantity, it shall immediately give notice thereof to Seller.

Please contact us if you would like to experience.

Factory : Aisai City, Aichi Prefecture, Japan

Please contact us if you would like to tour the factory.
The food in Aichi Prefecture is also delicious, so I'll introduce you to a variety of them.

Please contact us

※※We currently have a large number of orders and it will take more than 6 months to deliver ^^

However, it may be difficult to secure Japanese lumber at this time.
Please contact us as soon as possible.

If your payment method is not successful,
please contact us.

Thank you^^.
Ryuji Baba

The founder is also a designer, marketing and management.
Good at marketing new business.
linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/in/ryuji-baba-b2b33a47/
If you have any concerns, we I be happy to answer them^^

Inuyama Castle is located in the Owari region of Aichi Prefecture.
It is one of the five national treasures of Japan's castles,
and its wooden castle tower is the oldest in Japan.

If your payment method is not successful,

please contact us (m..m)

We recommend Amazon Pay for customers who wish to make purchases in a single cart.

If you use Amazon Pay, there is no limit to the amount of a single payment, so you can make payments.
If you use Amazon Pay and have registered your address with Amazon, you do not need to register on this Base web shopping site.

For customers who choose Paypal payment.
Since the transaction limit for one PayPal payment is 1 million yen,
Therefore, we will prepare a shopping cart of "tea room 1 million yen" + "tea room remaining amount + shipping fee",
So please contact us.

For example: If you purchase a tea room for 1,510,000 yen, and use PayPal,
you need to make a one-time payment of 1 million yen and a one-time payment of 510,000 yen.
+Transportation cost

※If a payment error occurs, please check with Amazon Pay or PayPal yourself.
Base Shop does not impose any limits on payments via Amazon Pay or PayPal.

More and more customers are giving up after adding items to their carts.

If you have any problems with your payment method, please contact us.

Our bank transfer service supports not only Japanese yen, but also US dollars and Hong Kong dollars.

We are currently developing cypress products.

*Depending on customer requests, we plan to add cypress products that are luxurious and durable in the future.
We are currently developing cypress products, so please contact us if you would like to make a reservation.

※We currently have a large number of orders and it will take more than 6 months to deliver ^^

Please treat yourself !

This is Japanese hospitality.
Why not reward yourself with a DIY tea room?

Experiences in your country that money cannot buy.

This is an experience where you can not only

use traditional Japanese products

but also make them yourself.

<< F.A.Q >>

< 1. Shipping Cost
< 2. Payment method
< 3. About DIY assembly
< 4. Dimension,
< 5. Is it made in Japan? 
< 6. When will the tea room be shipped? 
< 7. Why does it take more than 6 months for the product to arrive?
< 8. Will the price change? 

< 1. Shipping Cost
Q.Why is shipping so expensive?
A.The tea room will be delivered to your home via air transport. Of course, we also include shipping insurance. Air transportation is safer and more secure. Since this is a high-class tea room weighing 160 kg, air transportation costs will be incurred.

Due to the system, the shipping fee is set at 10 JP yen, but the following shipping charges will apply depending on the region.
Thank you.
The Transportation cost is 3,000 USD in the United States, EU, etc.

< 2. Payment method
Q.Can't I pay by credit card?
A.Due to security issues, purchases cannot be made with credit cards issued outside of Japan.

We recommend Amazon Pay for customers who wish to make purchases in a single cart.

If you use Amazon Pay, there is no limit to the amount of a single payment, so you can make payments.
If you use Amazon Pay and have registered your address with Amazon, you do not need to register on this Base web shopping site.

We recommend paying with PayPal.
For customers who choose PayPal payment.
The maximum payment amount per PayPal is 1 million yen,
so we will prepare a shopping cart with 1 million yen for the tea room fee + the balance after deducting 1 million yen from the tea room + shipping fee. Please contact us.

※If a payment error occurs, please check with Amazon Pay or PayPal yourself.
Base Shop does not impose any limits on payments via Amazon Pay or PayPal.

< 3. About DIY assembly
Q: Is it possible to assemble it without any experience?
A: It's easy.Can be assembled by two women in 1 hour.This is explained in a YouTube video. Easy, right?

< 4. Dimension
W2280: D1980: H2010 (4 tatami mats, 43ft2)
If you have a 270ft2 spaces in your living room, you can install it well.
Weight: 160Kg

< 5. Is it made in Japan? 
A. Made in Japan.You can experience building and using a traditional Japanese room by yourself.
The pillars of the tea room are made of wood from Aichi, Owari, the birthplace of Japan's most famous samurai, Oda Nobunaga.
Inuyama Castle, Japan's oldest wooden castle tower built in the 16th century and a national treasure, is also made from Owari wood.

< 6. Q.When will the tea room be shipped? 
A. Currently, we have a large number of orders, so it will take more than 6 months to ship ^^

< 7. Why does it take more than 6 months for the product to arrive?
Q.Why does it take more than 6 months for the product to arrive?
A.The tea room will be delivered to your home by air. It will be shipped by airmail, so it will arrive in about a week. The reason it takes more than 6 months is because we currently have a large number of orders and are preparing them in order. We carefully work from receiving your order to shipping it to the factory, preparing the wood, and processing it. Until the tea room arrives, please look forward to it while watching the DIY video and preparing for assembly.

< 8. Will the price change? 

A. Price is $10,000 U.S.D.
Prices change monthly based on exchange rates.
Please note that the price is the price at the time of purchase, not the time you add it to your cart.
Average price in the last month January by exchange rate
1 U.S.D = 151 JP yen

  • レビュー


  • 送料・配送方法について

  • お支払い方法について

¥1,510,000 税込
