2021/02/26 15:29

<< 1. 配送費用。Shipping Cost,运输费用
<< 2. 支払方法。Payment method ,支付方式
<< 3. DIY組立について。About DIY assembly, 关于DIY组装
<<4. サイズ。Dimension, 尺寸
<<5. 日本製ですか? Is it made in Japan? 是日本制造的吗?
<<6.いつ届きますか?When will the tea room be shipped? 茶室什么时候发货?
<<7.商品到着までなぜ6ヶ月以上待つのか?Why does it take more than 6 months for the product to arrive?为什么产品需要超过 6 个月才能到达??
<<8.価格は変わりますか? Will the price change? 价格会变化吗?

<< 1.配送費用。Shipping Cost,运输费用


Q.Why is shipping so expensive?
A.The tea room will be delivered to your home via air transport. Of course, we also include shipping insurance. Air transportation is safer and more secure. Since this is a high-class tea room weighing 160 kg, air transportation costs will be incurred.

A.Due to the system, the shipping fee is set at 10 JP yen, but the following shipping charges will apply depending on the region.
Thank you.
The Transportation cost is 3,000 USD in the United States, EU, etc.


根据系统,运费设置为 ​​10 日元,但根据地区可能会收取以下运费。
中華人民共和國,香港,台灣,新加坡和澳門的運費為1,500 U.S.D

س: لماذا يعتبر الشحن باهظ الثمن؟
ج: سيتم توصيل غرفة الشاي إلى منزلك عبر النقل الجوي. وبطبيعة الحال، نحن تشمل أيضا التأمين على الشحن. النقل الجوي أكثر أمانًا وأمانًا. وبما أن هذه غرفة شاي من الدرجة العالية تزن 160 كجم، فسيتم تكبد تكاليف النقل الجوي.

نظرًا للنظام، تم تحديد رسوم الشحن بمبلغ 10 ين ياباني، ولكن سيتم تطبيق رسوم الشحن التالية حسب المنطقة.
شكرًا لك.
تكلفة النقل 4000 دولار أمريكي في السعودية والإمارات العربية المتحدة وغيرها.

<< 2 .支払方法。Payment method ,付款方式
Amazon Pay, PayPal決済をお勧めします^^
We recommend paying with Amazon Pay, PayPal.
Of course, you can also purchase in USD or HKD via bank transfer.
我们建议使用 PayPal 付款。

Amazon Pay であれば、1回の限度額がなく、お支払い可能かと思われます^^
We recommend Amazon Pay for customers who wish to make purchases in a single cart.

Amazon Payだと、Amazonにて住所登録がしてあれば、このBase shopで登録不要です。
If you use Amazon Pay, there is no limit to the amount of a single payment, so you can make payments.
If you use Amazon Pay and have registered your address with Amazon, you do not need to register on this Base web shopping site.

<<ex. SAUDI, U.A.E>>
+ Transportation cost (Shipping to SAUDI, U.A.E)

Q.Can't I pay by credit card?
A.Due to security issues, purchases cannot be made with credit cards issued outside of Japan.


<PayPal payment : PayPal決済に関して>

For customers who choose PayPal payment.
The maximum payment amount per PayPal is 1 million yen, 
so we will prepare a shopping cart with 1 million yen for the tea room fee + the balance after deducting 1 million yen from the tea room + shipping fee. Please contact us. 


للعملاء الذين يختارون الدفع عبر PayPal.
الحد الأقصى لمبلغ الدفع لكل PayPal هو مليون ين، 
لذلك سنقوم بإعداد عربة تسوق بمبلغ مليون ين مقابل رسوم غرفة الشاي + الرصيد بعد خصم مليون ين من غرفة الشاي + رسوم الشحن. يرجى الاتصال بنا.

※If a payment error occurs, please check with Amazon Pay or PayPal yourself.
Base Shop does not impose any limits on payments via Amazon Pay or PayPal.

*如果发生付款错误,请自行与 PayPal 核实。
Base Shop 对通过 PayPal 付款不设任何限制。

<<3. DIY組立について。About DIY assembly, 关于DIY组装
Q: DIY経験がなくても組み立ては簡単ですか? 
A: 簡単です!DIY初心者の女性2人で1時間で組み立てできます!

Q: Is it possible to assemble it without any experience? 
A: It's easy.Can be assembled by two women in 1 hour.This is explained in a YouTube video. Easy, right?

A:很简单。两个女人 1 小时内就能组装完毕。YouTube 视频对此进行了解释。容易,对吧?

<<4  サイズ。Dimension, 尺寸

W2280: D1980: H2010 (4 tatami mats, 43ft2)
If you have a 270ft2 spaces in your living room, you can install it well.
Weight: 160Kg


<<5 日本製ですか? Is it made in Japan? 是日本制造的吗?

A. Made in Japan.You can experience building and using a traditional Japanese room by yourself.
The pillars of the tea room are made of wood from Aichi, Owari, the birthplace of Japan's most famous samurai, Oda Nobunaga.
Inuyama Castle, Japan's oldest wooden castle tower built in the 16th century and a national treasure, is also made from Owari wood.

A. 日本制造。您可以亲自体验传统日式房间的建造和使用。
犬山城是日本最古老的木制城堡塔楼,建于 16 世纪,是国宝,也是由尾张木材建造的。

<<6.いつ届きますか?When will the tea room be shipped? 茶室什么时候发货?
A. 現在ご注文が大変多く、発送までに6ヶ月以上かかります^^
A. Currently, we have a large number of orders, so it will take more than 6 months to ship ^^
A. 目前我们的订单量很大,所以需要6个月以上的时间才能发货^^

Q.Why does it take more than 6 months for the product to arrive?
A.The tea room will be delivered to your home by air. It will be shipped by airmail, so it will arrive in about a week. The reason it takes more than 6 months is because we currently have a large number of orders and are preparing them in order. We carefully work from receiving your order to shipping it to the factory, preparing the wood, and processing it. Until the tea room arrives, please look forward to it while watching the DIY video and preparing for assembly.
Q.为什么产品需要超过 6 个月才能到达??

<<8.価格は変わりますか? Will the price change? 价格会变化吗?
A.価格は$10,000 U.S.Dです。

A. Price is $10,000 U.S.D.
Prices change monthly based on exchange rates. 
Please note that the price is the price at the time of purchase, not the time you add it to your cart.
Average price in the last month January by exchange rate
1 U.S.D = 151 JP yen

A.价格为 10,000 美元
1 美元 = 151 日元

We can also sell to customers in countries where shipping charges are not listed.
Please contact us as we will prepare to transport it to any country.

